Since 2013 when I was only 12 years old Our Life With Cerebral Palsy became a page that I would go on to make me incredibly proud and it's been an absolute pleasure meeting some of you and hearing about your incredibly inspiring stories.
With that being sad it's with great sadness that I am now leaving the Our Life team as my charity work and blog has become the main focus of my time and I am no longer able to put the amount of passion and time into Our Life With Cerebral Palsy as I was able to 4 years ago.
It's been an absolute pleasure working with my two best friends Amber and Ailsa and having a laugh along the way!
This isn't goodbye it's just see you on another path at another time and I'll always be part of the history of this beautiful platform just sadly not the future.
If you want to join me on my new journey you can here: @faithmblogger (
I'd love it if you sent me a message on my page letting me know how OLWCP has helped you!
Thank you for the memories everyone have a lovely Christmas and New Year
Best wishes
Faith Martin Xxx